All too often, we fear success. We fear the attention we may get. We fear the unknown. We fear failure. We fear embarrassment. We fear criticism. We fear.
Then one glorious day (or night), we decide to go for it. It may be predicated by a comfort brought on by our day job. It may be brought on by the courage inspired by desperation. There are many reasons that it may come. When it does, you have only moments to grab it and put it into motion.
Some of us might have a brilliant plan filled with lead measures, short term goals, long term goals, a SWOT analysis, and money in the bank. The rest of us might be flying by the seat of our pants, broke, and learning on YouTube, TikTok, and Clubouse.
The current situation doesn't matter. Start. Take one step, then another. Simon Sinek once said, "What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Try. Experiment. Iterate. Fail. Try again. Change the world."
Well, it is definitely my time to try. Yours too.
More to come...