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  • Writer's pictureJuan Longoria

Lo Nuestro Es Poderoso

Last night, I had the privilege of attending a live call hosted by Frank Carbajal , featuring the inspiring Anna Dapelo-Garcia . Listening to Anna share her journey of climbing the corporate ladder as a Latina filled my heart with a profound sense of pride and energy. Her stories of overcoming challenges and celebrating achievements resonated deeply with me, highlighting the significance of creating spaces where people with shared experiences can connect and recharge.

Anna’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. As she recounted her experiences, I couldn't help but reflect on my own path and the challenges I’ve faced. It was a powerful reminder of how essential it is to have support systems in place, especially in the form of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). These groups provide a safe haven for individuals to share their stories, seek advice, and find the strength to persevere.

ERGs play a crucial role in fostering a sense of community and belonging within the workplace. They offer a platform for employees to connect over shared experiences, which can be incredibly empowering. For me, the call was more than just an exchange of professional insights; it was a reaffirmation of the power of unity and support. Being surrounded by fellow Latinos who understand the unique challenges we face in the corporate world was invigorating. It reminded me of the importance of not only striving for personal success but also lifting others as we climb.

Anna’s advice on leveraging ERGs to build networks and find mentors was particularly impactful. She emphasized that these groups are not just about professional development, but also about personal growth and empowerment. I walked away from the event with a renewed appreciation for ERGs as platforms that amplify voices often unheard in the corporate environment, serving as sources of strength and inspiration.

I realized how fortunate I am to have served as the co-chair for two Latino ERGs at Fortune 500 companies. This responsibility is one I do not take lightly, and it has deepened my commitment to the ideals of inclusion and diversity. Being in these roles has shown me firsthand the power of creating spaces where everyone feels valued and heard.

In today’s diverse workplace, it’s more important than ever to support and nurture ERGs. They are vital in creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Last night’s call was a powerful reminder of this truth, and it left me feeling recharged and inspired to continue advocating for these essential groups.

To my fellow Latinos and all those who find strength in community: Let’s continue to support and uplift each other. Together, we can create a workplace that not only values diversity but celebrates it. Let’s harness the power of our shared experiences to drive change and make a difference.

Everything that makes us Latino also makes us powerful. Our culture instills in us the values of perseverance, creativity, and a deep sense of community. We are taught to take pride in our heritage and to honor the sacrifices of those who came before us. This pride fuels our determination to succeed and our commitment to support one another. Lo Nuestro Es Poderoso. Our strength lies in our unity, our shared experiences, and our unwavering spirit. Together, we can continue to make a significant impact, both in the workplace and beyond. 

Let’s celebrate our heritage and use our collective power to create a brighter future for all.

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